Jumaat, April 19, 2013

Sekeping kertas.

Aku baca ini, pagi tadi.

"Agak lama tidak menulis di sini.

Anyway. Since SPM result is out, cerpen khas buat adik-adik dan para pendidik.

Boys and girls. Whatever the result is, it's not the end of the world. Knowing that what you really want in your life, discover your interest before continuing on university education eventually is so more more more important than just the numbers of A on that piece of paper.

I once thought that, spent those six years (or maybe more) learning a specific lesson and methodology, far away from the motherland, so I could get a better job and good pay, and happy. But I don't really know what it was all about. Engineering (in Malaysia at least) is somehow overrated. Or maybe it's just me.

Not saying that is 100% wrong. But then,

I quit my engineering career few months ago, neglecting my Japanese ability, and now, I'm technically jobless and struggling financially.

But being able to do what I want (love) to do at my own phase, entertain a right bunch of people, and hmm.. quite happy. Sounds about 100% right.

I don't regret it that I went to the university. In my opinion university is more of a place for personality development and all.

Anyway, nothing is too late and.. Never. Stop. Learning."


Aku mempunyai puluhan sijil-sijil yang mungkin untuk mendapatkannya makan beribu-ribu ringgit.

Aku setuju dengan penulisan ini, masuk universiti bukan satu peringkat yang kita cuba untuk mendapatkan hanya segulung ijazah - tapi lebih manis adalah pembentukan karektoristik, personaliti dan gaya melihat sesuatu.

Dulu aku hidup dengan angka cecah RM3K setiap bulan, dan sekarang?

50% pun tak sampai.

Cuba, aku sentiasa bersyukur - Alhamdulillah.

Apa yang aku dapat, aku dah tak kutuk bos aku, aku dah tak mengomel kepenatan, aku dah tak meracau pagi buta nak kejar waktu 'tetap' kerja dan boleh memilih apa cara sendiri untuk berusaha.

Kebosanan mencipta kelainan.

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